Welcome to Aligned Body Integration

Live Life Aligned

We are Carolyn and Scott. We graduated from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder and have been professional Rolf Structural Integration Practitioners since 2011. We are passionate healers with an alternative approach and are dedicated to helping our clients move through a wide range of physical, emotional and spiritual transitions in the most efficient and transformative way possible. Since graduating, we’ve continued to study and improve our skills by learning additional healing modalities; Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Reiki Healing , Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage(the Josie Rushing technique), so we can better serve people.

Our treatments are specifically tailored to the needs of each client to make sure they receive the approach that works best for them. Time and again we have seen the incredible healing powers of our treatments.

We started our journey together to become Rolf Structural Integration Practitioners in 2010, as a calling to help people heal from pain and we continue this journey of learning, serving and helping people heal.

Get in touch to find out what we can offer you.

Our Services

  • Rolfing

    Rolf Structural Integration

    Rolfing™ is a form of bodywork that aims to reorganize the connective tissues, or fascia, within the body. Through manual manipulation and movement education, Rolfing seeks to improve posture, alignment, and overall well-being. By addressing imbalances and restrictions in the fascia, Rolfing may help alleviate chronic pain, enhance mobility, and enhance body awareness. Sessions typically last 60-90 minutes and often occur in a series to achieve longer-lasting results. If you're seeking to address persistent physical discomfort or improve your overall body mechanics, Rolfing could be a beneficial therapeutic option to consider.

  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage

    Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

    Lymphatic Drainage is an intricate approach within massage therapy that concentrates on encouraging the flow of lymphatic fluid throughout the body. By facilitating the elimination of unnecessary fluids and toxins, this method aids in decreasing inflammation, enhancing the immune system, and bolstering the body's detoxification mechanisms. Through its soft caresses and steady movements, lymphatic drainage plays a role in fostering general wellness by boosting the body's capacity for self-repair and revitalization.

  • Reiki

    Reiki Healing Therapy

    Reiki Healing is an ancient and gentle technique rooted in Japan, which involves channeling energy to awaken the body's natural healing ability. By delicately placing hands on or slightly above the body, practitioners guide energy to specific areas in need of healing. This comprehensive method is widely accepted for its ability to reduce stress, alleviate pain, and promote tranquility. It is essential to understand that Reiki Healing complements conventional medical interventions; it is not a standalone solution for medical conditions.

  • Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage

    Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage

    Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage(the Josie Rushing technique) is a specialized technique that aims to stimulate the lymphatic system to eliminate excess toxins, fluids, and waste from the body. By using gentle pressure and rhythmic movements, this massage can help reduce bloating, inflammation, and improve overall immune function. The process involves targeting specific lymph nodes and pathways, promoting detoxification and enhancing the body's natural ability to heal. With its focus on promoting circulation and drainage, Brazilian Lymphatic Massage can contribute to a feeling of lightness and increased vitality.

  • Psilocybin Therapy

    Psilocybin Guided Therapy

    Psilocybin therapy, also known as psychedelic therapy, is a form of treatment that utilizes psilocybin, the active compound found in certain types of mushrooms, to address various mental health conditions. Studies have shown promising results in using psilocybin therapy to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction. This therapy involves guided sessions where individuals consume a carefully measured dose of psilocybin in a controlled setting, typically accompanied by trained therapists to provide support throughout the experience. The psychedelic effects of psilocybin are believed to help individuals gain new insights, process emotions, and break free from negative thought patterns. It is essential that psilocybin therapy is conducted by qualified professionals in a safe and supportive environment to maximize its therapeutic benefits and minimize potential risks.

Book an appointment.

Use our online scheduling system to see our availability at any of our office locations.